Study plan - Approved

study programme: Business Economics and Management in English (I. degree, full time forma)
field of study: 8. - Economics and Management
Person responsible for the delivery, development and quality of the study programme: doc. Ing. Janka Táborecká, PhD.
academic year: 2024/2025

Study section

Compulsory courses

Block - Compulsory courses (min. 127 credits)

The student must successfully complete all compulsory courses during the study.

Code Course Name Act. Credit Duration Way of Completion Grade Sem. Conditional Teacher
KEMP-EF/D_1_EP1-aj/22 Business Economics 1PP 7 2P+2S H 1 W doc. Ing. Miroslava Vinczeová, PhD.,
Ing. Ladislav Klement, PhD.,
Ing. Vladimíra Klementová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_EP2-aj/22 Business Economics 2PP 7 2P+2S H 1 S doc. Ing. Miroslava Vinczeová, PhD.,
Ing. Ladislav Klement, PhD.,
Ing. Vladimíra Klementová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_PoFi-aj/22 Corporate FinancePP 6 2P+2S H 2 S doc. Ing. Miroslava Vinczeová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_FEAP1-aj/22 Corporate Financial and Economic Analysis 1PP 6 2P+2S H 3 W doc. Ing. Ľuboš Elexa, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_PaE-P-aj/22 Entrepreneurship in Digital EraPP 5 2P+2S H 3 W doc. Ing. Ľuboš Elexa, PhD.,
Ing. Peter Laco, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_MLZ-aj/22 Human Resources ManagementPP 6 2P+2S H 3 S Ing. Jozef Ďurian, PhD.,
doc. Mgr. Ing. Lukáš Smerek, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Jana Marasová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_MO-aj/22 International TradePP 5 2P+2S H 2 S doc. Ing. Janka Táborecká, PhD.,
Ing. Mgr. Gabriela Nafoussi, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_Man-aj/22 ManagementPP 7 2P+2S H 2 W doc. Ing. Martina Minárová, PhD.,
Ing. Jozef Ďurian, PhD.,
Ing. Lenka Theodoulides, PhD., MBA
KEMP-EF/D_1_Mark-aj/22 MarketingPP 6 2P+2S H 2 S doc. Ing. Janka Táborecká, PhD.,
Ing. Filip Smutný, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_Ucto1-aj/22 Accounting 1 5 2P+2C H 3 W doc. Ing. Michal Ištok, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_Ucto2-aj/22 Accounting 2 5 2P+2C H 3 S doc. Ing. Michal Ištok, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_SkBP-aj/22 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 4 2S Abs 3 W doc. Ing. Janka Táborecká, PhD.,
Ing. Vladimíra Klementová, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_Fin-aj/22 Finance 5 2P+1S H 2 W prof. Ing. Peter Pisár, PhD.,
Ing. Ivan Sedliačik, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_Info-aj/22 Informatics 5 1P+3C H 1 W RNDr. Miroslav Hužvár, PhD.,
Ing. Jolana Gubalová, PhD.,
Ing. Igor Kollár, PhD.,
Ing. Peter Laco, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Pravo-aj/22 Law 5 2P+2S H 2 W doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Ing. Miroslava Knapková, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Makro1-aj/22 Macroeconomics 1 6 2P+2S H 1 S Ing. Mariana Považanová, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_Matem-aj/22 Mathematics 5 2P+2C H 1 S doc. RNDr. Jana Špirková, PhD.,
RNDr. Mária Grausová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Mikro-aj/22 Microeconomics 6 2P+2S H 1 W Ing. Anna Vallušová, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_Stat-aj/22 Statistics 6 2P+2C H 2 W doc. Ing. Alena Kaščáková, PhD.,
RNDr. Pavol Kráľ, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_I.AJ1-aj/22 Foreign Language I - Business English 1 4 2S H 1 W M.A. David Cole, PhD.,
doc. PhDr. Dana Benčiková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_I.AJ2-aj/22 Foreign Language I - Business English 2 4 2S H 1 S M.A. David Cole, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_I.AJ3-aj/22 Foreign Language I - Business English 3 4 2S H 2 W M.A. David Cole, PhD.,
doc. PhDr. Dana Benčiková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_I.AJ4-aj/22 Foreign Language I - Business English 4 4 2S H 2 S M.A. David Cole, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_I.AJ5-aj/22 Foreign Language I - Business English 5 4 2S H 3 W doc. PhDr. Dana Benčiková, PhD.,
M.A. David Cole, PhD.

Compulsory elective courses

Block - Compulsory elective courses (min. 28 credits)

During the whole Bachelor´s study, the student must obtain 28 credits for compulsory elective courses (7 courses). The student chooses how many courses he/ she completes in a given year and in a given semester.

Code Course Name Act. Credit Duration Way of Completion Grade Sem. Conditional Teacher
KEMP-EF/D_1_KaR-aj/22 Calculations and BudgetingPP 4 2S H 2, 3 S doc. Ing. Miroslava Vinczeová, PhD.,
Ing. Ladislav Klement, PhD.,
Ing. Vladimíra Klementová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_PSzM-aj/22 Case Studies in ManagementPP 4 2S H 2, 3 S doc. Ing. Martina Minárová, PhD.,
Ing. Jozef Ďurian, PhD.,
Ing. Lenka Theodoulides, PhD., MBA
KEMP-EF/D_1_SZM-aj/22 Socially Responsible MarketingPP ! 4 2S H 3 W doc. Ing. Janka Táborecká, PhD.,
doc. PhDr. Dana Benčiková, PhD.,
Ing. Simona Bartošová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_UFaI-aj/22 Sustainable Finance and InvestmentsPP ! 4 2S H 3 W doc. Ing. Miroslava Vinczeová, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Ľuboš Elexa, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_PA-aj/22 Corporate Agenda ! 4 2S H 1, 2 W Ing. Lenka Hvolková, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_DatS-aj/22 Database Systems 4 2S H 1, 2 S Ing. Peter Laco, PhD.,
Ing. Igor Kollár, PhD.
KVEaRR-EF/D_1_EMvP-aj/22 Environmental Management in Business 4 2S H 1, 2 S doc. Ing. Stanislav Kološta, PhD.,
Ing. Filip Flaška, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_FM1-aj/22 Financial Mathematics 1 4 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Mária Stachová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_MEV-aj/22 International Economic Relations ! 4 2S H 2 W Ing. Mariana Považanová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_PrPr-aj/22 Labour Law ! 4 2S H 2 S JUDr. Jana Bedlovičová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Fil-aj/22 Philosophy ! 4 2S H 1, 2 S doc. PhDr. Miriam Martinkovičová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Polito-aj/22 Politology 4 2S H 1, 2 W JUDr. Jana Bedlovičová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_ProfEt-aj/22 Professional Ethics 4 2S H 1, 2 S doc. PhDr. Dana Benčiková, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Psych-aj/22 Psychology 4 2S H 1, 2 W PhDr. Andrea Seberíni, Ph.D.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_DotPr-aj/22 Questionnaire Survey ! 4 2S H 3 S doc. Ing. Alena Kaščáková, PhD.,
Ing. Zuzana Rigová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_Socio-aj/22 Sociology ! 4 2S H 1, 2 W Mgr. Jarmila Androvičová, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_I.AJ6-aj/22 Foreign Language I - Business English 6 4 2S H 3 S doc. PhDr. Dana Benčiková, PhD.

Elective courses

Block - Elective courses (min. 15 credits)

The student must obtain 15 credits for elective courses during the whole Bachelor´s study. As an elective course, he/ she chooses either the course that the faculty offers as an elective course eventually the student can also choose compulsory or compulsory elective course of another study program or course of another faculty of MBU as an elective course. However, they must adhere to the appropriate degree of study. The student decides for himself/ herself how many subjects he/ she completes in a given year and in a given semester.

Code Course Name Act. Credit Duration Way of Completion Grade Sem. Conditional Teacher
KOJK-EF/D_1_OK1-aj/22 Business Communication 1 (in English) 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W PaedDr. Marta Valihorová, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_OK2-aj/22 Business Communication 2 (in English) 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S PaedDr. Marta Valihorová, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_PG-aj/22 Business Graphics (in English) 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Ing. Peter Laco, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_ET-aj/22 Business Terminology (in English) 3 2S H 2, 3 S Mgr. Dagmar Škvareninová, PhD.
KCR-EF/D_1_PSzCR1-aj/22 Case Studies in Tourism 1 (in English) ! 3 2S H 3 S doc. Ing. Tomáš Gajdošík, PhD.,
Ing. Zuzana Gajdošíková, PhD.
DEK EF/D_1_CSMaZ-aj/20 Chinese Ways of Thinking and Living 3 2S H 2, 3 S Jianwei Wang
KE-EF/D_1_IK-fj/22 Intercultural Communication (in French) ! 3 2S H 2, 3 S doc. Ing. Jana Marasová, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_IVvP-aj/22 Intercultural Relations in Business (in English) 3 2S H 2, 3 W Mgr. Petra Strnádová, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_ZM-aj/22 Introduction to Mathematics (in English) 3 2S H 1 W RNDr. Mária Grausová, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_OK-nj/22 Business Communication (in German) ! 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_ET-nj/22 Business Terminology (in German) ! 3 2S H 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_SLF1B-zs/24 Slovak for Foreigners 1 - beginners 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Dagmar Škvareninová, PhD.,
Mgr. Petra Strnádová, PhD.,
Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_SLF2E/24 Slovak for Foreigners 2 – elementary 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Mgr. Dagmar Škvareninová, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_SLF3I/24 Slovak for Foreigners 3 – intermediate 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Dagmar Škvareninová, PhD.,
Mgr. Petra Strnádová, PhD.,
Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_SLK/24 Coversation in Slovak Language ! 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Mgr. Dagmar Škvareninová, PhD.,
Mgr. Petra Strnádová, PhD.,
Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.NJ1/22 Foreign Language II – Business German 1 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.NJ2/22 Foreign Language II – Business German 2 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.,
M.A. Jörn Nuber
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.NJ3/22 Foreign Language II – Business German 3 3 2S H 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.,
M.A. Jörn Nuber
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.NJ4/22 Foreign Language II – Business German 4 3 2S H 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.RJ1/22 Foreign Language II – Business Russian 1 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.RJ2/22 Foreign Language II – Business Russian 2 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.RJ3/22 Foreign Language II – Business Russian 3 ! 3 2S H 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_II.RJ4/22 Foreign Language II – Business Russian 4 ! 3 2S H 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
DEK EF/D_1_FJpE/23 French Language for Economists 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Gautier Quentin Crept,
Ing. Žaneta Lacová, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_NJ1Z/24 German 1 - beginners 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_NJ2P/24 German 2 – pre-intermediate 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_RJ1Z/24 Russian 1 – beginners 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KOJK-EF/D_1_RJ2P/24 Russian 2 - pre-intermediate 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Mgr. Viera Krešáková, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_DoEP/22 Economic Debates ! 3 2S H 2, 3 W Ing. Anna Vallušová, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Mária Horehájová, PhD.,
Ing. Žaneta Lacová, PhD.
KEMP-EF/D_1_EP-PŠ/22 Case Studies from Business Economics ! 3 2S H 2 S Ing. Ladislav Klement, PhD.,
Ing. Vladimíra Klementová, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_GISpE/22 Geographic Information Systems for Economists 3 2S H 1, 2 S Ing. Jolana Gubalová, PhD.,
Ing. Zuzana Rigová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_HP/22 Economic Policy 3 2S H 2, 3 S Ing. Barbora Mazúrová, PhD.
KVEaRR-EF/D_1_OaI1/23 Trade and Investment 1 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Ing. Tomáš Virdzek, PhD.
KVEaRR-EF/D_1_OaI2/23 Trade and Investment 2 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Ing. Tomáš Virdzek, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_PG/22 Computer Graphics for Economists 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S Ing. Peter Laco, PhD.
KCR-EF/D_1_PSzCR1/22 Case Studies in Tourism 1 ! 3 2S H 3 S doc. Ing. Tomáš Gajdošík, PhD.,
Ing. Zuzana Gajdošíková, PhD.
KVEaRR-EF/D_1_RV/22 Rural Development 3 2S H 2, 3 W Ing. Filip Flaška, PhD.,
prof. Ing. Anna Vaňová, PhD.,
Ing. Katarína Sýkorová, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Katarína Vitálišová, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_SSzU/22 Accounting Seminar ! 3 2S H 3 S Ing. Jana Stašová, PhD.,
Ing. Kamil Ščerba, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_UdEI/22 Introduction to European Integration ! 3 2S H 2, 3 W Ing. Žaneta Lacová, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_UdKI/22 Introduction to Collective Investment 3 2S H 1, 2 S Ing. Ľubomír Pintér, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_UdK/22 Introduction to Digital Currencies 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 W Ing. Ivan Sedliačik, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Ján Huňady, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_UdSnVSA/23 Introduction to Studying at University - Adaptation 3 2S H 1 W Ing. Ján Kollár, PhD.,
Mgr. Jarmila Androvičová, PhD.
KE-EF/D_1_UdSnVSSS/23 Introduction to Studying at University - Study Skills 3 2S H 1 S Ing. Ján Kollár, PhD.,
Mgr. Jarmila Androvičová, PhD.,
Ing. Barbora Mazúrová, PhD.
KVEaRR-EF/D_1_VSaRR/22 Public Administration and Regional Development 3 2S H 1, 2, 3 S doc. Ing. Radoslav Kožiak, PhD.,
Ing. Katarína Sýkorová, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Katarína Vitálišová, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_ZM/22 Introduction to Mathematics 3 2S H 1 W Mgr. Petra Medveďová, PhD.,
RNDr. Mária Grausová, PhD.
KVEaRR-EF/D_1_ZMZ/22 Managerial Skills - Basic 3 2S H 2, 3 S Ing. Filip Flaška, PhD.,
Ing. Katarína Sýkorová, PhD.
Block - Univerzitné predmety pre prvý stupeň štúdia (ponúkané Ekonomickou fakultou UMB)
Code Course Name Act. Credit Duration Way of Completion Grade Sem. Conditional Teacher
KEMP-EF/D_1_APB_cupv/24 Akadémia podnikania BASIC 4 2S Abs 1, 2, 3 W Ing. Lenka Theodoulides, PhD., MBA
KEMP-EF/D_1_APE_cupv/24 Akadémia podnikania EXPERT 4 2S Abs 1, 2, 3 S Ing. Lenka Theodoulides, PhD., MBA
KE-EF/D_1_DVaJO_cuvp/23 Intellectual and Industrial Property of an Organization 3 2S Abs 1, 2, 3 S Ing. Barbora Mazúrová, PhD.
KFÚ-EF/D_1_KvOF_cuvp/23 Cryptocurrencies in Personal Finances 3 2S Abs 1, 2, 3 W Ing. Ivan Sedliačik, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Ján Huňady, PhD.
KKMaIS-EF/D_1_PG_cuvp/23 Computer Graphics for Economists 3 2S Abs 1, 2, 3 S Ing. Peter Laco, PhD.

State exams

Compulsory courses

Block - State exams (min. 10 credits)
Code Course Name Act. Credit Duration Way of Completion Grade Sem. Conditional Teacher
KEMP-EF/D_BPsO-aj/22 Bachelor Thesis with Defence 10 OB 3