Description of the study programme
Study programme 22_ETdm - Evangelical Theology
Study stupeň - II. - master, forma - full time, typ - Single degree study
The name of the university Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
The seat of the university Národná 12, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
The name of the faculty Faculty of Education
The seat of the faculty Ružová 13, 97411 Banská Bystrica
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Approval of the study programme takes place on two levels in accordance with the regulations. 1. The Board for the Internal Quality System of MBU in accordance with the Statute of the Internal Quality System Board of FoE UMB, ( Directive MBU No. 1/2021 Creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (SAAHE), 2. The Board for the Internal Quality System (BIQS) of MBU in accordance with the BIQS Statute of the Internal Quality System (, Directive MBU No. 1/2021 Creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications to SAAHE ( Methodological Instruction No. 4/2021 for the Harmonisation of Study Programmes and Study Fields in Habilitation Proceedings and Study Fields in Inauguration Proceedings at MBU in Banská Bystrica pursuant to Act No. 269/2018 Coll. until 31 August 2022 (
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Date of the latest change in the study programme description:
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution:
The first periodical evaluation cycle will begin in 9/2022.
Reference to the assessment report of the application for accreditation of the study programme under § 30 of Act no. 269/2018 Coll.:
link to the BIQS MBU evaluation report sprava-vsk-umb.html
1. Basic information about the study programme
a) Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Evangelical Theology
b) Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
2nd degree 767/0221
c) Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Ružová 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica
d) Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
Theology 617, 0221 Religion and Theology
e) Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented
f) Awarded academic degree before the name
g) Form of study.
full time
i) Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Slovak, English
j) Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
2 years
k) Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
Master degree study – Evangelical Theology. Planned: 15 students. Number of applicants: 8. Accepted and enrolled: 6.
2. Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduates of the Evangelical Theology Master study programme are qualified to work mainly in church congregations and parachurch organisations, specifically in positions requiring independence, creativity, and invention. They can also work in educational, missionary, and social organisations, free-time activities organised by the state, public service, churches, and NGOs requiring the Master degree, e.g. missionary church posting, mission abroad, Christian kids’ clubs, youth work, daily senior centres, Roma mission, ecumenical activity, Christian publishing houses and biblical societies, Christian diaconical and charity institutions, Evangelism centres, Christian radio and TV broadcasting, media activity, chaplain activity in prisons, hospitals, police, and army.

Learning outcomes are specified in detail in the Learning outcomes document attached to the application.

Master degree study: Evangelical Theology and Mission

The graduate develops knowledge in the following areas:

  • ­the basics of theology as a scholarly field focused primarily on the Evangelical tradition
  • ­the development of theological thinking in the broader context of Christian orthodoxy
  • ­forms and methods of pastoral intervention and correction
  • ­career planning and competences
  • ­the legislation and strategic church management documents
  • the contexts in which church and parachurch institutions are working

The graduate develops practical capabilities and skills:

  • using appropriate diagnostic tools in pastoral care and catechesis
  • managing specialised activities and projects
  • planning and implementation of pastoral and organisational activity and the related processes
  • organising, preparation, and implementation of activities and events on the church, parachurch, and public levels
  • supports spiritual development on the individual and community levels
  • efficiently mediates specialised literature in church and parachurch contexts, is competent to participate in expert discussion and popularise research results.

The graduate develops additional knowledge, capabilities/skills, attitudes:

  • critical and creative thinking, problem-solving
  • mature moral and ethical attitudes necessary for the profession
  • foreign language skills
  • digital skills and media literacy
  • team work and good organisational skills.

The detailed structure of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, capabilities, attitudes) can be found in the Structure of the study programme and Learning outcomes attached.

b) The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

The graduates can work in the following areas:

  • Church: deacon, chaplain, assistant priest, catechist, parish priest, spiritual administrator, parish administrator, consenior, senior, clerical member of the church management, the highest representative of the church and religious society in the Slovak Republic, church organisation manager expert in the area of church-state relationships, expert in religious studies, leading representative of an association, manager of a non-profit organisation

Preacher under a registered evangelical church, spiritual administrator of a church congregation, manager of a facility operated by the church, teacher in all kinds of church education, religious education teacher at primary school.


  • Mission:

A missionary of the existing church communities, worker in domestic and international missionary organisations, translator-interpreter-linguist


  • Other areas:

social facility worker, charity institution worker, prison/military/hospital chaplain, drug centre officer.


The study programme prepares theology students in accordance with the beliefs of the evangelical churches (i.e. part of the state-registered churches) for practice in evangelical churches and related institutions. This study programme is very specific and unique in the SR.

Since the Czech Republic lacks a study programme focused on Evangelical Theology, this study programme attracts students from the Czech Republic as well.

The higher education delivered under this programme promotes prosocial activities in local church communities and reduces the risk of religious radicalisation in a pluralistic society.

c) Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Baptist Union in the SR, Súľovská 2, Bratislava

Slovakia United Methodist Church, Panenská 10, Bratislava

3. Employability
a) Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

The occupations indicated above are continually performed by the graduates of this programme.

According to, 88% of Master study graduates of 2019 are employed; the rest are working abroad or voluntarily unemployed (some of them are volunteering for their churches or on maternity leave).

The FoE MBU Department of Theology and Catechetics maintains a database of graduates to monitor their employment as well as informal activity. Many of them are keeping in touch, some are guiding our students during their professional practice, others are invited to deliver expert lectures on pedagogy in practice.

b) If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Leaders of Evangelical churches in the SR and abroad:

Mgr. Ján Liba, Bishop of the Apostolic Church in Slovakia

Mgr. Štefan Rendoš, Superintendent of the Methodist Evangelical Church in the SR

Mgr. Benjamin Uhrin, PhD., President of the Board of the Baptist Union in Slovakia

Mgr. Daniel Sjanta, Superintendent of the Methodist Evangelical Church in Serbia


Evangelical clerics (e.g.)

Mgr. Juraj Insitoris, preacher, Church of the Brethren in Banská Bystrica

Mgr. Miloš Masarik, PhD., preacher and administrator, Baptist Union in Banská Bystrica

Mgr. Gabriela Kopas, PhD., preacher and administrator of the Methodist Evangelical Church congregation in Bratislava

ThDr. Darko Kraljik, pastor, Baptist Union in Bernolákovo

Mgr. Marek Gombár, preacher, Apostolic Church, Pavlovce nad Úhom


Higher education:

Prof. ThDr. PaedDr. Roman Králik, Th.D.,director of the Central European Research Institute of Soren Kierkegaard in Nitra; Department of General and Applied Ethics, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra


Church education:

PaedDr. Martina Polohová, founder of Narnia – church primary school in Banská Bystrica

Mgr. Miroslav Tóth, PhD., founder and headmaster of the Gateway College biblical school in Nitra; pastor in the Apostolic Church congregation in Nitra

Mgr. Bianka Králiková, teacher at the Gateway College biblical school in Nitra

Mgr. Henrieta Kocevová, teaching assistant at the primary school in Pobedim


The prison system in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Pplk. Mgr. Ján Šefčík – senior minister, Office of Ecumenical Pastoral Service, Directorate General of the Prison and Court Guard Service of the SR

Kpt. Mgr. Stanislav Depta, prison pastor in the Remand Prison and Prison in Košice,

Mjr. Ing. Mgr. Ľudovít Kara, lecturer at the Education Institute of the Corps of Prison and Court Guard

ThDr. Jan Majer, prison chaplain, prison in Mírov (CZ)

Mgr. Blažej Pelán, prison chaplain, prison in Plzeň-Bory (CZ)


Church organisations:

ThDr. Michal Veselý, specialised worker in the Slovak Bible Society in Banská Bystrica

Mgr. Miroslav Hrivnák, president of YMCA Slovakia

Mgr. Daniel Kaczmarczyk, director of Wycliffe CZ


Mission abroad

Mgr. Jozef Brenkus, jr. (a missionary in India for 12 years, Slovak Mission Network)

c) Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

The selected employers were contacted to evaluate the quality of the study programme and create evaluation reports. Please, find them attached in the accreditation file along with the notes on incorporating the comments and proposals.

4. Structure and content of the study programme
a) The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The rules for the design of study plans within this field of study are specified in Directive No. 1/2021 Creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications to the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, (, and Directive FoE MBU No. 4/2021 Creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications for habilitation and inauguration proceedings to BIQS MBU, (, and in the UMB Study Regulations (


In the creation of study plans, the following rules are adhered to:

  • Profile courses are taught by teaching staff holding the associate professor or professor (functional) positions.
  • The number of credits assigned to individual courses reflect their position in the structure of the study programme and correspond with the student’s load (compulsory course, elective course), i.e. profile and compulsory courses are assigned the highest number of credits.
  • In-person teaching (lectures, seminars, exercises, field training) determines the number of lessons necessary to fully develop the competences; it is usually lower in elective courses and higher in compulsory and profile courses.
  • The courses and defined learning outcomes are logically linked in terms of topics and competences across the levels of study (see the Concurrence of Study Programmes attached).
  • The courses cover the entire graduate’s profile; duplicity in terms of topics is monitored and prevented (see the SP structure and Learning outcomes attached)
  • The learning outcomes correspond with the number of assigned credits.
  • The evaluation procedures will focus on real verification of the student’s skills (not only knowledge) whose levels of complexity and variety are monitored (see Learning outcomes).
  • The level of cognitive and affective educational goals corresponds with the degree of study and follows the Dublin descriptors.
  • If the course is taught in person and includes lectures, its syllabus covers 13 topics, one per each week of the semester. The syllabus of the course (regardless of the number of IL points) corresponds to the scope of its 13-week semester.
b) The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

Students can develop more specific profile skills by enrolling in elective and compulsory courses offered by the department for their degree of study in the following courses: Evangelical Theology, Catechetics, Diaconia and Mission.

c) The study plan generally states:

2nd degree – Evangelical Theology and Mission

Profile courses Systematic Theology – Dogmatics, New Testament Exegesis , Pastoral Theology, Missiology – Theological Principles, Apologetics, Catechetics

d) The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
Number of credits required for proper completion of studies: 120 kredits
e) For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

Number of credits from compulsory courses: 72 credits

Number of credits from professional practice: 4 credits

Number of credits from elective courses: 30 credits

Number of credits from optional courses: 18 credits

Number of credits for the final thesis and its defence (state examination):

  • Diploma Thesis and Defence – compulsory course (20 credits)
  • Diploma Thesis Seminar – elective course (4 credits)
f) The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The requirements and rules for successful completion of the study and state examinations as well as other study-related rules are defined in: MBU Study Regulations, (,

Methodological Instruction FoE MBU No. 1/2010 on recognition of credits from previous study (, Directive No. 9/2021 on final, rigorous, and habilitation theses at MBU in Banská Bystrica (

The rules for verification of learning outcomes, student assessment, and submitting complaints regarding study (managed by the FoE MBU Admission Office and Vice-Dean for Pedagogical Activities) are defined in MBU Study Regulations ( MBU Student Disciplinary Regulations, Statute of the Ethical Committee for Students (

Further possibilities for (non)anonymous appealing include the FoE MBU Electronic Inbox for Complaints and Proposals (administered by the Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance) pursuant to Directive No. 3/2021 on the evaluation and development of the quality of education at FoE MBU (

g) Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies are defined in:

MBU Study Regulations, (, Methodological Instruction FoE MBU No. 1/2010 on recognition of credits from previous study (, Directive No. 9/2021 on final, rigorous, and habilitation theses at MBU in Banská Bystrica ( Directive No. 11/2021 on awarding ECTS credits for extra-curricular activities at MBU (

h) The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The following dissertation thesis topics are planned to be offered:

Prof. ThDr. Pavel Hanes, PhD.;

  • Marriage and divorce in Malachi (Prophetic text exegesis)
  • Reformed Epistemology of A. Plantinga in the Light of New Testament Exegesis


Prof. Anna Marie Kool:

  • The effect of videogames on the Christian youth’s life
  • Practical and theological implications of forgiveness and reconciliation


Doc. ThDr. Albín Masarik, PhD.;

  • Domestic violence – a pastoral perspective
  • Prevention of domestic violence in the homiletic activities performed by churches
  • The persuasive aspects of a worship sermon
  • Post-penal pastoral care
  • Mental health support and the church environment (see B. Weyel et al.)


Doc. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD.;

  • The adaptability and contextualisation strategy of foreign missionary models focused on the youth


Peter Málik, MPhil., Ph.D.:

  • Understanding 1 Timothy 2:9–15 and Its Meaning for Women’s Leadership in the Church
  • Old Testament Echoes in New Testament Prophecies: Resonance and Reference
  • Μετάνοια as the base of individual spiritual transformation
  • Christological titles in the Gospel of Luke
  • The Gospel as a socialisation tool in the marginalised Roma communities
  • Diaconical work of the Evangelical church congregation in Slovakia today – models and perspectives
i) The institution describes or refers to:

The rules are defined in Directive No. 9/2021 on final, rigorous, and habilitation theses at MBU in Banská Bystrica ( as well as the MBU Study Regulations (

Detailed instructions are provided in Methodological Instruction No. 4/2019 on creation and defence of final and qualification theses at FoE MBU ( These documents provide detailed specification of the recommended final thesis designs and structure for the respective type of thesis and level of study. Final and qualification theses follow the IMRaD structure. Students can access all relevant documents on the faculty website.

Support for individual mobility of students and staff is a basic priority of MBU’s internationalization strategy. This priority is specified in the Strategy of Internationalisation (, Erasmus Policy Statement UMB (, Directive No. 4/2019 on Erasmus+ mobility at MBU (, the Long-Term Plan of MBU in Banská Bystrica for 2021–2026( and Long-Term Plan of FoE MBU (

FoE MBU also supports recognition of blended virtual mobility in accordance with the valid Slovak and European legislation. The university has concluded approximately 130 bilateral agreements, 69 have been concluded on the faculty level. The Office of International Cooperation and Mobility also offers internships.

FoE students can select an international mobility or study abroad from the offer published on the faculty website, which is regularly updated (


Erasmus+ student mobility

At MBU, there is an Ethical Committee, which addresses the questions and issues related to adherence to academic ethics (employees and students). Relevant information about the Ethical Committee and its tasks can be found at the university website (

Students must adhere to the MBU Student Code of Ethics ( Every student can take online training in ethical decision-making in accordance with the MBU rules (

Other relevant document defining the rules are the MBU Disciplinary Code ( and FoE MBU Student Disciplinary Code (, which specifies the position and activity of the Foe MBU Disciplinary Committee. Students can access all relevant documents on the faculty website.

Students with specific needs follow the MBU Study Guide for Students with Special Needs and the instructions published at the university website (

Students with specific needs (SSN) can find information on the FoE MBU website (

FoE MBU has a SSN coordinator who supports students and helps them adapt to the university environment, and resolve any study-related issues (

5. Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Structured according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll. – see attached.

6. Current academic year plan and current schedule
7. Persons responsible for the study programme
a) A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Prof. ThDr. Pavel Hanes, PhD.; university teacher, guarantor of the study programmes, 048 446 4913

b) List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

prof. ThDr. Pavel Hanes, PhD., university teacher, guarantor of the study programmes,, 048 446 4913

Profile courses: Systematic Theology – Dogmatics, Apologetics

prof. Anne Maria Kool, Dr. habil., Ph.D., university teacher, associate professor,, 048 446 4915

Profile course: Missiology – Theological Principles

prof. ThDr. Albín Masarik, PhD., University teacher, head of the department, member of the MBU Academic Senate and FoE Academic Senate, management of the Pedagóg civic association,, 048 446 4911

Profile course: Pastoral Theology

doc. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD., university teacher, Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance,, 048 446 4230, 048 446 4917

Profile courses: New Testament Exegesis, Catechetics

Peter Málik, MPhil., Ph.D., university teacher,, 048 446 4916

Profile course: New Testament Exegesis

c) Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

RATP of persons responsible for the profile courses have been attached to the respective accreditation file. Accreditation applications are registered in the internal AIS2 Academic Information System. Students have access to information on the teachers’ personal websites under the respective faculties as well. Currently, this includes members of the Department of Theology and Catechetics Members of the Department | Department of Theology and Catechetics | Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (

d) List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

prof. ThDr. Pavel Hanes, PhD., university teacher, guarantor of the study programmes,, 048 446 4913

Courses: Systematic Theology – Dogmatics, Hebrew Bible Exegesis – Legislative Texts, Applied Ethics, Hebrew Bible Theology, Apologetics, Philosophy – History of Philosophical Systems, Hebrew Bible Exegesis – Poetry, Hebrew Bible – Seminar

prof. Anne Maria Kool, Dr. habil., Ph.D., university teacher, associate professor,, 048 446 4915

Courses: Ecumenical theology – Ecumenism, Liturgics, Missiology – Theological Principles, Ecumenical Theology – The Church Management Principles, Current Mission Trends

prof. ThDr. Albín Masarik, PhD., University teacher, head of the department, member of the MBU Academic Senate and FoE Academic Senate, management of the Pedagóg civic association,, 048 446 4911

Courses: Homiletics – Worship Sermons and Casuistries, Pastoral Theology, Theological Reflection on the Worship Practice 1, Theological Reflection on the Worship Practice 2, Homiletics – Practical Exegesis, Pastoral Theology – Seminar, Theological Reflection on the Worship Practice 3

doc. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD., university teacher, Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance,, 048 446 4230, 048 446 4917

Courses: New Testament Exegesis, Didactics of Catechetics, Ecumenical Theology - Ecumenism, Liturgics, Professional Competences 1, Professional Competences 2, Diaconics, New Testament Exegesis – Eschatology, Catechetics, Continuous Professional Practice

Peter Málik, MPhil., Ph.D., university teacher,, 048 446 4916

Courses: New Testament Exegesis, Hermeneutics

Todd Lee Patterson, MDiv., Ph.D., volunteering agreement,, 048 446 4916

Benjamin Uhrin, Mgr., PhD., university teacher,, 048 446 4916

e) List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

prof. ThDr. Pavel Hanes, PhD., university teacher, guarantor of the study programmes,, 048 446 4913

  • Faith in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling
  • James Barr and the end of the Biblical Theology Movement

prof. Anne Maria Kool, Dr. habil., Ph.D., university teacher, associate professor,, 048 446 4915

prof. ThDr. Albín Masarik, PhD., University teacher, head of the department, member of the MBU Academic Senate and FoE Academic Senate, management of the Pedagóg civic association,, 048 446 4911

  • The transformation of a Christian in Christ in Romans, exegesis of chap. 6–8

doc. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD., university teacher, Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance,, 048 446 4230, 048 446 4917

Offered thesis topics:

  • The adaptability and contextualisation strategy of foreign missionary models focused on the youth

Peter Málik, MPhil., Ph.D., university teacher,, 048 446 4916

  • Understanding 1 Timothy 2:9-15 and Its Meaning for Women’s Leadership in the Church
  • Old Testament Echoes in New Testament Prophecies: Resonance and Reference
  • μετάνοια as the base of individual spiritual transformation
  • Christological titles in the Gospel of Luke
  • The Gospel as a socialisation tool in the marginalised Roma communities
  • Diaconical work of the Evangelical church congregation in Slovakia today – models and perspectives

Todd Lee Patterson, MDiv., Ph.D., volunteering agreement,, 048 446 4916

Offered thesis topics:

  • The meaning of the "lex talionis" in the killing laws in the Book of Exodus, based on the ancient Near Eastern codices
  • The unifying literary features of chapters 1–9 in the Book of Proverbs
f) Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

Supervisors’ research/art/teacher profiles (RATPs) can be found in the AIS2 Academic information system. Students have access to information on the teachers’ personal websites under the respective faculties as well. Currently, the list includes members of the Department of Theology and Catechetics (


g) Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Martina Ďurianová,; MBU Academic Senate member

Barbora Kuráňová,; MBU Academic Senate member

h) Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).
i) Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Head of the Admission Office/Study officer: Ivona Bajsová, 048 446 4248,

Schedule coordinator: Mgr. Ing. Jaroslav Maďar, Ph.D., 048 446 4916,; Mgr. Marián Lakomčík (Faculty level), 048 446 4262,

Credit System of Study coordinator: Mgr. Marián Lakomčík, 048 446 4262,

International relations and mobility officer: Ing. Anita Dienešová, 048 446 4226,

Coordinator for students with specific needs: doc. PaedDr. Vlasta Belková, PhD., 048 446 4755, 048 446 4759,

Psychological consulting: doc. PaedDr. Lada Kaliská, PhD., 048 446 4717,; prof. PhDr. Eva Sollárová, CSc., 048 446 4717,; PaedDr. Jana Stehlíková, PhD., 048 446 4718,; PaedDr. Lucia Pašková, PhD., 048 446 4722,; Mgr. Michaela Souček Vaňová, PhD., 048 446 4714,; PhDr. Beata Žitniaková Gurgová, PhD., 048 446 4725,; Mgr. Zuzana Heinzová, PhD., 048 446 4711,

Pastoral counselling: doc. ThDr. Albín Masarik, PhD., 048 446 4911,; doc. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD., 048 446 4230, 048 446 4917,

Social consulting: doc. PhDr. Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová, PhD., 048 446 4784,; Mgr. Jana Šolcová, PhD., 048 446 4784,; PhDr. Katarína Kurčíková, PhD., 048 446 4525,; PhDr. Michaela Šavrnochová, PhD., 048 446 4525,

Legal consulting: Mgr. Jakub Dzimko, 048 446 3149,; JUDr. Ľubica Saktorová, PhD., LL.M., M.A.,

Social-pedagogical consulting: PhDr. Patrícia Zólyomiová, PhD., 048 446 4761,; doc. PaedDr. Vlasta Belková, PhD., 048 446 4755, 048/4464759,

Officer for science, research, and art: Mgr. Miroslava Fudorová, 048 446 4229,

Department administrative support: Mgr. Zuzana Zvarová (head of the department), 048 446 4852,; Mgr. Dana Kujnischová (assistant), 048 446 4912,

Since 2018, FoE MBU offers doctoral students faculty-wide support through the FoE MBU Doctoral School. It is a unique project in Slovakia and focuses on the students of humanities as well ( It aims to a) facilitate the development of transferable capabilities in doctoral students, mainly those related to research activity, b) support doctoral students in the key points of their study and provide them with opportunities to gain the necessary experience, c) support doctoral students in adapting to the academic environment across all fields of study, remove social isolation, and support them on their path to independence, d) support doctoral supervisors in networking and providing quality supervision (

A new MBU project supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Slovak Republic allowed for the establishment of the University Consulting and Support Centre in September 2021 ( It provides social, psychological, and legal consulting for students and applicants with specific needs or from socially disadvantaging environments. The centre provides professional consulting to students and applicants in a safe space and adheres to the highest ethical principles of consulting practice. Consulting is provided in cooperation with MBU staff, external experts, and students trained in the respective areas (under professional supervision). MBU students can easily access consulting and support services addressing a variety of their needs. The goal is to help them in their study, and promote emotional, social, intellectual, and professional development. The centre provides personal and remote consulting for students and special-pedagogical consulting for students and applicants with special needs. The MBU Career Centre ( provides career consulting (individual and group), workshops and training focused on career management; students can also try out the assessment centre to get acquainted with the procedures. The centre facilitates contact between students and potential employees by means of job fairs, expert lectures, workshops, and excursions. The MBU Career Centre regularly updates their social networks and websites to provide information on job vacancies, internships, and professional practice (

8. Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

Departments have state-of-art didactic technology in their own classrooms (data projectors, TV). Shared lecture halls and seminar rooms also provide PCs connected to the Internet, data projectors, and interactive whiteboards. In 2021, 26 classrooms were equipped with videoconference systems for hybrid and remote teaching (camera and microphone). There are 6 public computers for students. 2 classrooms are also equipped with 20 PCs. Another 8 classrooms are equipped with multimedia and ICT. WiFi is accessible in most of the FoE premises so that student can connect to the Internet via their notebooks. The software equipment includes: OS MS Windows, Office 365, ESET and KASPERSKY antiviruses, ADOBE READER & PDF CREATOR, SPSS (statistical package). This material and technological equipment allows for achieving optimal quality of the educational process. At FoE MBU, there are 37 classrooms. 10 of them are specialised (gym). The two largest classrooms (capacity: 2x78 students) have been renovated and modernised. All classrooms are fully equipped with ICT (plasma TV, data projector, 60 PC available to all faculty departments). The classroom furniture is maintained, repaired, and replaced continually. To improve the quality of teaching, FoE has created several specialised classrooms/labs: a classroom for the Department of Social Work – 30 students; three classrooms for the Department of Elementary and Pre-School Pedagogy equipped for teaching Slovak language and literature, mathematics, and academic subjects focused on social sciences and science. Artistic courses are taught in specialised classrooms at the Department of Fine Arts: a large studio with painting easels, suitable for a variety of artistic procedures (both surface and spatial), working with different materials and technical tools, a specialized studio for graphic techniques with graphic presses and a photo chamber – a room for light-sensitive artistic techniques, a multimedia studio and a modelling room for plastic and spatial creation with a potter's wheel and a ceramic firing furnace. The Department of Musical Culture has 9 specialised classrooms (4 of which are multimedia classrooms, 1 offers music software), and a specialised instrumental classroom for music ensembles. Classroom equipment: 5 grand pianos, 5 upright pianos (outside the library and teachers’ offices), 3 synthesizers, 1 drawbar organ. Other musical instruments: transverse flute, harpsichord, violin, cello, double bass, guitar, accordion, electric guitar and bass guitar. There is a special concert room and a so-called dance room (where music and movement activities and psychosocial trainings are carried out with the aim of psycho-motor development). Students and teachers can visit the AMOS Centre for Pedagogical Practice and Didactic Aids, in which they can find a variety of didactic aids and educational games for preschool and younger school-age children. The centre provides space for group work but the visitors can also relax here and play board and trivia games ( To improve the study and work environment, FoE has provided the following: wheelchair access to all faculty premises including parking, camera system, student parking in front of the faculty, renovation of C and AB buildings including entrance halls. In the FoE MBU premises, there is a copy centre providing printing, binding, laminating and sells stationery. The Pedagogical Study located on the 1st floor of the Student House NO. 5 can accommodate 55 students. Presence study is possible. Students perform their continuous teaching practice in the local training kindergartens and primary schools (Banská Bystrica and Zvolen). Currently, there are 38 partner agreements with such workplaces (see Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation). Further agreements have been concluded with tens of schools across the region, which serve as training schools for teaching practice (Agreements are archived at the MBU Department of General Accounting,, 048/446 1173).

The Department of Theology and Catechetics has four classrooms; three are equipped with ICT, projector, and hybrid sets. During the pandemic, this equipment enabled the department to provide hybrid teaching to both internal and external students without significant disruption to the pedagogical process. Among other things, the department also has its own library, which currently contains more than 17,600 scientific books as well as other spaces for scientific and pedagogical activities, seminars and smaller conferences. Link to the department library: Koha online catalogue (

b) Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

All information about the study programme, including course information letters is available in the Academic Information System (AiS2) and on the faculty's website. Course syllabi, eligibility criteria for receiving credits and qualitative assessment are published on the websites of individual lecturers or in the LMS MOODLE system pertaining to the relevant course. The course of study from the admission examinations to state examinations are controlled through AIS2. The LMS MOODLE system is used to support face-to-face and distance learning, AIS2 and e-mail are used for communication and feedback. Each student has a university e-mail address, which allows them to access the University library and its libraries. All student homes provide Internet in student rooms, most classrooms have wi-fi (coverage is continually improved). Students have Internet access at FoE MBU halls as well. The Department publishes up-to-date announcements for students on its website. The website has a Study section, which provides study-related information (teaching practice, information for the finishing students, instructions for submitting final theses, etc. Information about the courses and downloadable materials can be found in a separate section. Students can use all software programs for which the university has purchased licenses. Besides MS Office 365, other specialised graphic and music programs as well as research software are available: SPSS 19.0 – statistical data processing; UNISTAT, ATLAS-TI – qualitative research data processing, etc. All school computers can be used to access publication databases via university licences. Students of education sciences use mainly the WOS, SCOPUS, EBSCO, and SCIENCE DIRECT databases.

Teachers responsible for the study programme actively create study material for the individual courses. They are (co)authors of university textbooks and materials on education sciences. Students can also purchase books published by FoE MBU staff in the Pedagóg civic association shop. There is sufficient material, technical, and informational equipment to implement the proposed study programme; moreover, it is continuously innovated and updated. Students and teachers can visit the library of the Department of Theology and Catechetics and borrow books that are unavailable in other studies or the central university library in accordance with the internal rules of this workplace. The items in the library are regularly updated based on the proposals of the teachers responsible for the study programme. Currently, the library contains more than 17,500 scientific and specialised books, journals, and proceedings from Slovakia and other countries. The library provides Internet access. Students and employees can use their own devices; individual tables and electrical sockets are available. The department library also offers a large lecture hall on the 2nd floor, large screen, and Internet access.

Many information sources are provided via the Internet. The software is regularly updated. Students also have access to an open library located in the hallway. They can freely borrow and return the books there. This project is based on the principles of trust and solidarity.

Library and information services are also provided by the University Library of Matej Bel University at the central workplaces at Tajovského 40 and 51 and at dislocated workplaces at each faculty. It offers absence and presence library services, consulting, research, reference, copy services, and Internet access 54 hours a week. Online services and electronic information sources can be accessed 24/7. The library collection contains over 277,000 scholarly and specialized monographs, textbooks, edited volumes, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other types of documents. Acquisition is managed in cooperation with teachers according to the current academic and scholarly duties of the university. The collection also includes 251 periodicals, 120 of which are foreign. Final theses and other qualification theses defended at the university have been available in electronic form since 2009. Over 700 textbooks and study materials published by the university press are available via the MBU Virtual Reading Room. Further databases can be accessed via the library website: ACM, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Ebook Central, SpringerLink, Springer Nature, Wiley Online Library. Cambridge Journals and Emerald full text databases, and educational videos on the platform HSTalks are also accessible.

The Circulation Branch at Tajovského 40 is the library’s central branch for circulation services, allowing users to borrow from a collection of over 87,000 printed documents. Its opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The branch also offers interlibrary loan services. The General Reading Room at Tajovského 51 features a reference collection of over 16,500 printed documents and 134 periodicals from every field of study. Its opening hours are Monday to Wednesday from 8:39 am to 9:00 pm, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. The reading room also includes the university’s European Documentation Centre, as well as an archive of final thesis and other qualification thesis in printed form.

The General Reading Room at Tajovského 15 features a reference collection of over 6,500 printed documents, 39 periodicals, and 125 didactic games and aids. Office hours: Monday – Wednesday (9.00 am – 9.00 pm), Thursday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.00 pm). The AMOS Centre for Pedagogical Practice and Didactic Aids resides in the Pedagogical Study Room.

c) Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

Each course information letter specifies the form of study. If the CIS specifies the form as combined or distance, the teacher is obliged to create an interactive e-learning course in LMS Moodle. The use of the portal is regulated by Directive No. 3/2016 on e-learning at MBU, which is available in the interface after opening ( At the beginning of their study, 1st year students receive detailed instruction on e-learning support, mainly during the introductory courses. They can also address their teachers/study advisors during consulting hours if necessary. At the beginning of the semester, each teacher updates the course and sends sign-in information to the students (passwords). Besides syllabi and requirements for completion, there are also links to MS Teams (distance teaching), ZOOM, lecture videos, tasks, fora & discussion, polls, study materials, etc. Students can even be assessed through Moodle courses. In case of need (e.g. current pandemic situation), presence teaching fluently transforms into distance teaching in all courses and levels of study. Quality of distance teaching is continuously monitored and improved based on students’ input collected by surveys. In response to the pandemic situation, the hybrid form of study has been successfully introduced in situations when only a part of the group could attend the classes in person.

d) Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.
  • The Institute of Theology, Mission, and Social Work (non-profit organisation) –lectures, joint conferences
  • Narnia Primary School – Organising sit-in sessions and lectures on teaching religious education, discussions and workshops for children and youth, training catechetic skills
  • Prison in Banská Bystrica-Kráľová, Sládkovičova 80, Kráľová, 974 05 Banská Bystrica 5 (Cooperation with the correctional facility in the form of pastoral care provided to the convicts)
  • The Association of Evangelical Churches in the SR,, Ružová 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica – lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Nádej deťom, non-profit organisation – Tatranská 10, 974 11 Banská Bystrica,, – lectures, diaconical skill training, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Globlal Partners in Peace and Development – lectures, diaconical skill training, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Krupina Funeral Services, BELA, Obchodná ulica 545/1, 963 1 Krupina, – (Mgr. Michal Šalaga, PhD. – funeral preaching and casuistry homiletics training environment)
  • Office of Ecumenical Pastoral Service, Directorate General of the Prison and Court Guard Service of the SRdirector and senior minister pplk. Mgr. Ján Šefčík, Šagátova 1, 813 04 Bratislava,
  • Office of Ecumenical Pastoral Service (EPS) in the SVK Armed Forces and Armed Corps, Za kasárňou 3 a Kutuzovova 8, 832 47 Bratislava – general minister, Plk. Mgr. Viktor Sabo, – military and prison pastoral care
  • Church congregations of registered Evangelical Churches (Baptist Union, Apostolic Church, Church of Brethren, Methodist Evangelical Church) – linked to study through the Church Lectorate course – on the behalf of the Baptist Union – Mgr. Miloš Masarik, PhD. (, on the behalf of the Apostolic Church Mgr. Miroslav Tóth, PhD. (, etc.
  • Evangelical church headquarters:,,,
  • Slovak Bible Society lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research.
  • Wycliffe Slovensko The organisation strives to create a partnership between Christians in Slovakia and missionary projects in developing countries. The organisation posts missionaries (including graduates) abroad and provides a link between study and practice. Experts from practice also deliver missiological lectures.

Organisations and academic departments from which you want to invite experts to give lectures or deliver other activities for students:

  • Wheaton College, USA – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars
  • Tyndale House, Cambridge, Great Britain
  • Faculty of Evangelical Theology, Tübingen, Germany – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars
  • Ewangelikalna wyszsa szkola teologiczna, Wroclaw, Poland ps:// – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research (e.g. classical philologist Dr. Slawomir Torbus invited lectures on Greek, philosopher Prof. EWST, Dr. Hab. Wojciech Szczerba, PhD. invited lectures on philosophy)
  • University of Applied Sciences in Tarnów, Poland( – exchange programmes for teachers and students lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Christian University Driestar Educatief, Gouda, Netherlands – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Aurel Vlaicu University, Arad, Romania – – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research (e.g. Prof. Dr.hab. Marcel Macelaru invited lectures on the Old Testament)
  • Faculty of Evangelical Theology, Charles University, Prague – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research (e.g. Prof. Pavel Hošek religious studies, categorial pastoral care)
  • Friedensau Adventist University, Möckern-Friedensau, Germany ( – student exchange programmes
  • The Swiss Institute of Research in Biblical Studies joint webinars, research
  • Evangelical Lutheran Theological Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava – exchange programmes for teachers, students, and staff, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Greek-Catholic Theological Faculty, University of Prešov ( – – exchange programmes for teachers, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava ( – exchange programmes for teachers, lectures, joint conferences, webinars, research
  • Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Belgium – exchange programmes for teachers and students
  • The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland – exchange programmes for teachers and students
e) Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

MBU offers a rich variety of social and cultural events, sports, and spiritual activities. In terms of sport activities, students can join several sport clubs (athletics club, women’s basketball team, gymnastics club, university hockey team, mountaineering club, karate club, judo club). The Sports for All club offers a swimming pool, sports games: floorball, football, volleyball, fitness, Power Zumba, Country dance, jumping, classic and sports massage. More information can be found at

There are three artistic ensembles based at MBU ( the Mladosť University Choir, the Mladosť University Folk Ensemble and the Mladosť Chamber Orchestra. They work primarily with FoE MBU students but are open to all MBU students. They are operated by the FoE MBU Department of Music Culture. Students can also participate in the activities of UNIS, the student theatre ensemble, which is open for all students who are interested in doing theatre. The University Dance Center offers various dance classes.

For over 20 years, MBU has actively cooperated with the Volunteer Center, a Banská Bystrica based non-profit organisation, which motivates students to participate in the Center’s own volunteer programmes, as well as those of other organizations, and supports their involvement in the community. MBU students can also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. UMB is the only university in Slovakia to be a local centre for this award. DofE is a comprehensive development programme that gives young people aged 14 to 24 a chance to develop their abilities and character for real life and fulfil their potential, helping them to succeed in life. MBU students can not only participate in DofE, but also learn the methodology and became programme leaders (

As for free time, FoE MBU provides several premises where students can spend their free time, e.g. cafeteria and students’ room (catering), relaxation and study room No. B003 (including a kitchenette where students can heat up their own food). The Kolečko café employing disabled people to sensitise the customers towards other people’s needs. The Chillpoint relaxation zone has been created by the students themselves (building A, second floor), but there are also a canteen and another cafeteria nearby the FoE MBU Dean’s Office. The PuFkáčik children’s corner is available for the public, employees’ and students’ children.

In addition to the activities offered directly by the faculty and the university, rich opportunities for spending free time are also provided by the City of Banská Bystrica, with which MBU actively cooperates, keeping students regularly informed about such opportunities via social networks and bulletin boards in the faculty premises.

Students can fulfil their spiritual needs in the following student-focused organisations operating in the city: (University Bible Movement/), YMCA (, Evangelical Free Church of America (

Church congregations (Roman Catholic, Evangelical A.C., Baptist Union, Apostolic Church, Church of the Brethren), Slovak Bible Society, The MBU University Consulting and Support Centre (UPPC) also provides pastoral care (

f) Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

Possibilities and conditions for student participation in mobilities and internships are guided by Directive No. 4/2019 on Erasmus+ mobility at UMB. They are regularly published in a separate section of the FoE MBU website ( Besides Erasmus+ mobilities, other schemes such as SAIA are also supported. The Office of International Cooperation and Mobility also arranges internship opportunities. Every September, FoE MBU organises the Mobility Days during which students are informed about mobilities and internships. Students also receive this kind of information via the faculty newsletter well in advance of the application deadline. The call for applications for mobility is announced every year in the first half of the winter semester. Those interested in mobility submit an application along with a letter of motivation. In the application, they can indicate a selection of up to three host institutions they are interested in. Subsequently, a pre-selection of participants takes place, which consists of an evaluation of the submitted documents and a personal interview. It is essential that students choose a host institution where they can study their field and specialisation. In cooperation with the departmental coordinators and the Office of International Cooperation and Mobility, students prepare a preliminary study plan in advance. The results of the pre-selection are the basis for drawing up the grant application, which is submitted to the National Erasmus+ Agency each year. The results of the pre-selections are announced to the students after the grant has been awarded by the National Agency. This is followed by the stage of practical administrative preparation for mobility stays, which consists of communication with partner institutions and nomination of students. The student sends the Learning Agreement and other documents to the partner institution according to their request (academic transcript, proof of accommodation, language certificate). The Office of International Cooperation and Mobility prepares the financial contract and aids the student in the process of securing insurance and accommodation, as well as the journey itself. After returning from mobility, the marks obtained for the courses completed at the host institution are entered into AIS (the Academic Information System). Courses other than the recognized compulsory courses are recognized according to the student's preference (as an elective or optional course).

Recognition of credits in the ECTS system is made possible thanks to the precise monitoring of mobility activities before, during and after mobility. Prior to mobility, maximum attention is paid to motivating students and facilitating communication between students and host institutions so that a realistic personalized learning agreement can be developed for each student, taking into account the requirements that students have to meet at their home institution and the opportunities offered by the host institution. The learning agreement remains a key and binding document in the next phases of mobility implementation as well. During a mobility stay, the Office for International Cooperation and Mobility, in close cooperation with the departmental coordinators, provides ongoing support to students studying abroad. Any possible discrepancy between the obligations defined in the learning agreement and the reality at the host institution is resolved in such a way that the student can obtain the necessary ECTS credits for the mobility period. The student has the opportunity to promptly draw attention to discrepancies in the offer of subjects so that a suitable solution to the situation can be proposed in cooperation with all involved parties. After the student’s return, the staff of the Office of International Cooperation and Mobility, in cooperation with the faculty study departments and departmental coordinators, confirms the recognition of ECTS credits obtained abroad. FoE MBU also supports recognition of blended virtual mobility in accordance with the valid Slovak and European legislation.

In relation to the Evangelical Theology and Mission study programme, mobilities at the following higher educational institutions are offered (Erasmus+):


Other collaborating workplaces:

9. Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

Evangelical Theology (Master degree) – the applicant can be accepted if they successfully completed Bachelor degree study in a theologically oriented study programme. During the commission admission examination, the study results achieved in the previous study is assessed and scored. The knowledge of evangelical theology and mission is evaluated. From the results of the admissions procedure, a ranking is drawn up based on which the applicants who demonstrate the highest level of ability are admitted to study. Based on the number of applicants, the Dean of the faculty can waive the admission examinations.

b) Admission procedures.

Evangelical Theology (Master degree) – the applicant can be accepted if they successfully completed Bachelor degree study in the Evangelical Theology and Mission study programme. During the commission admission examination, the study results achieved in the previous study is assessed and scored. The knowledge of evangelical theology and mission is evaluated. From the results of the admissions procedure, a ranking is drawn up based on which the applicants who demonstrate the highest level of ability are admitted to study. The final decision on admission is made by the Dean of the faculty. The Dean of FoE MBU has the right to cancel admission examination or their part based on the number of current applicants.

c) Results of the admission process over the last period.

Admissions results from the recent period

2nd degree – Evangelical Theology and Mission:

8 applicants applied for the study programme. 6 were admitted and all of them enrolled.

10. Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions of the study programme’s quality follow Directive No. 3/2021 on the rules for education quality assessment at FoE MBU (

The following procedures and tools are used for evaluation and development of the quality of education at FoE MBU with different, but periodical frequency:

  • a survey of students’ satisfaction with the quality of teacher and instruction within a specific course
  • a survey of students’ satisfaction with the quality of professional practice in the specialised training facility at FoE MBU
  • a satisfaction survey for students with special needs
  • an evaluation of students’ satisfaction with the quality of instruction during their mobility abroad
  • a satisfaction survey for foreign students on mobility at FoE MBU
  • identifying needs and ideas on improving the quality (performed by study advisors)
  • electronic inbox for complaints and proposals
  • evaluation of the pedagogical process and teacher by means of pedagogical observation
  • a survey of students’ satisfaction with the spatial, material, and technical equipment available for their study programme
  • evaluation of the professional practice by the specialised training facilities at FoE MBU
  • students’ evaluation of study programmes
  • graduates’ and employers’ evaluation of study programmes
  • tracking the study programme graduate's employability in practice,
  • other surveys other surveys and evaluations according to current needs: department satisfaction surveys related to remote teaching in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 were performed as well.

All the aforementioned procedures are analysed on multiple levels (main guarantor, head of the department, Vice-Dean) in accordance with the respective Directive. All quality evaluation surveys are processed into reports. Each report summarises the results and proposes respective measures aimed at improving the quality of education. All reports are archived.

The evaluation of the quality of study is published in the respective section of the faculty website

Twice a year, the department performs a more detailed satisfaction survey and compares the results to the data collected from students via AIS. The head of the department presents the results at the department meetings. The results of student’s satisfaction are incorporated in the Reports on Pedagogical Activity.

b) Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

Students’ evaluation of the 2021/2022 winter semester


2nd degree – Evangelical Theology

Suitability of the (composition of) courses within the study programme in relation to the graduate’s profile declared 1,25

Logical succession and continuity of courses 1,25

Content of the study programme in terms of the recent findings 1,25

The offer of elective courses developing specialised profile 1,25

The offer of specialised courses taught in a foreign language 1

Schedule 1,25

Quality of the services provided by the Admission Office (information and assistance) 1,25

Accessibility of the Internet and ICT 2,25

Equipment and bibliographic resources provided by the university library 1,5

Material and technical background for study: classrooms, study rooms, equipment for students with specific needs 1,5

The possibility to spend a part of study abroad 2

The offer of voluntary courses at university 1

The availability of information about the admission conditions and course of study within the study programme 1

Degree of study 1,5

Form of study 1

During your studies, you have been the ones evaluated so far. Please, accept the position of an evaluator now and express your opinion on the study programme on the A–F scale. 1

Grade 2

11. References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

All links to relevant study support documents can be found on the faculty website in the following sections:





The internal evaluation report contains links to university and faculty websites providing the relevant study-related information. The Department of Theology and Catechetics The department publishes the relevant information on the quality and quality control of the study programme on its website, as well as on the following website with an English version