Description of the study programme
Study programme 22_EVdod - Education Sciences
Study stupeň - III. - doctoral, forma - full time, typ - Single degree study
The name of the university Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
The seat of the university Národná 12, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
The name of the faculty Faculty of Education
The seat of the faculty Ružová 13, 97411 Banská Bystrica
Institution body for approving the study programme:
a. a. Approval bodies until 31.3.2021: Rector of MBU following negotiations at the Rector's College (study programme proposal) and the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Education of MBU (documented study programme information) in accordance with Methodical Instruction No. 1/2021 for determining the organization and procedures for submitting applications for accreditation of the study programme in line with § 30 of Act No. 269/2018 Coll. until 31. 3. 2021. b. b. Approval bodies after 31.3.2021: Board for the Internal Quality System of MBU in accordance with the statute of the Board approved by the Scientific Council of MBU on 10.12.2020 and in accordance with Directive No. 1/2021 on the creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, dated 26.1.2021, approved by the Rector of MBU.
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Date of the latest change in the study programme description:
Reference to the assessment report of the application for accreditation of the study programme under § 30 of Act no. 269/2018 Coll.:
PF_rozhodnutie o udeleni akreditacie_edukacne vedy_3. st. DS.pdf
1. Basic information about the study programme
a) Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Education Sciences 184527
b) Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
III (doctoral) – 864 – doctoral study programme
c) Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Ružová 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica
d) Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
7605 Teacher Training and Education Science /0110 Pedagogy (undefined)
e) Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented
Awarded academic degree after the name
g) Form of study.
full time
i) Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
j) Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
3 years
k) Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
1–5 (according to the institution’s financial means)
2. Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduate is ready to become an independent university teacher and researcher – university employee, education researcher, education analyst, and education manager. During the study, the following specialised key competences are developed: general knowledge of the field and its areas; biodromal and broader socialisation factors (individual and group); inclusive and individualised approaches; diagnostics, intervention, correction, prevention; didactic competences; consulting, managerial, and leadership competences; interest-based and citizen education; research and scientific competences; legislative, economic, and ethical professional contexts; communication and presentation; professional reflection; engagement. However, critical thinking, digital literacy, specialised English, soft-skills, moral and ethical values are also developed as transferable competences. The graduate can work in tertiary education (college, university); (non)governmental educational organisations (e.g. National Institute of Education, Educational Policy Institute, Slovak Governance Institute, Centre for the Research of Ethnicity, MESA 10 Centre for Economic and Social Analyses); private educational and analytical organisations and companies; or become a self-employed person providing education services.


The graduate is well-versed in:

- educational policy (EP) concepts and strategies, and their creation on the national and international levels;

- non-formal learning contexts, EP trends and innovations;

- more complex research designs;

- creation of measuring instruments;

- impact of the social paradigm on education;

- rules for creation and verification of intervention programmes;

- specific types of data analysis.


The graduate develops practical skills and capabilities:

- They critically analyse and compare the pedagogical and andragogical educational documents, strategies, EP concepts, and apply them creatively to their own research.

- They critically evaluate the usability of pedagogical research methods based on a complex analysis of the given problem.

- They apply their knowledge of developmental characteristics pertaining to the given research sample, design, and perform their own research.

- They are also able to independently analyse the socially determined issues in education and upbringing, and to clearly formulate the research problem.

- The graduate can plan and collect data using appropriate measuring methods, and evaluate the results using correct methods of data analysis.

- They publish and otherwise present their research results in Slovakia and abroad.

- Based on comparative analysis of the programmes, the graduate proposes modifications in accordance with the principles of efficient intervention.

- The graduate understands the specificities of didactic categories in tertiary education and independently creates parts of university programmes – they also teach and evaluate the educational process.

- They reflect on their professional activity and improve it accepting constructive criticism


The graduate acquires additional knowledge, skills, capabilities, and develops new attitudes:

-     they critically and creatively reflect on the professional practice,

-     they have excellent communication and presentation skills (also in English – B2),

-     they use the state-of-art digital tools,

-     they actively participate in the scientific, academic, and professional communities with actual link to social life,

-     they adhere to the scientific, academic, and professional ethics,

-     they develop personal as well as professional openness to diversity.

Please, find the educational goals and main learning outcomes attached – PF_Súbeh_programov_v_nadväzujúcich_stupňoch_štúdia (Concurrent study programmes across different levels of study). The document proves that the programmes and profile disciplines in the following levels of study are linked in terms of topics. A more detailed structure of the goals and learning outcomes in the doctoral study are also attached (see PF_Edukacne_vedy_PhD_Hanesova_Struktura_programu). It summarises the main assessment methods (verification of learning outcomes) The detailed structure of the learning outcomes can be found in the course information sheets (see EN_PF_Edukacne_vedy_PhD_Hanesova_Informacne_listy). The learning outcomes in profile disciplines can be found attached in PF_Edukacne_vedy_PhD_D_Hanesova_Vystupy_vzdelavania.

b) The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

A new study programme entitled Education Science has been proposed in response to the current needs of the economic practice (according to the graduates, potential employers, and clients – representatives of state, public, and private entities) as well as the international requirements for quality research and potential development in the individual fields of science. It offers an opportunity to provide continuous improvement of university education focused on preparing the new generation of creative, young university teachers and researchers with international and interdisciplinary training. The goal is to train them to perform quality research in education on the international level, collaborate with other experts contributing to the development of education science, and turn them into competent managers and educational analysts. Its originality lies in the fact that future employers will be able to use the potential of university graduates who are theoretically and practically trained to independently perform specialised activities such as research, university teaching, institutional management, or educational phenomena analysis in accordance with the EP trends in the EU. In a broader context, the graduates of this programme can improve the quality of education provided to the population as well as improve the management of educational activities in state and public administration, self-governance, and private education services. Apart from the existing PhD programmes, this programme deals with the biodromal (life-long) approach to education, interdisciplinarity, international connections, scientific precision, research and publishing ethics. It aims to prepare top level, internationally accepted young education scientists while responding to the practical need for experts on analysing the impact of the social paradigm on education. The graduate will be trained to create and verify intervention programmes and educational policies, and design non-formal learning. The programme also develops cross-cutting competences (in accordance with the Dublin descriptors, international and national qualification frameworks).

c) Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

National Cultural Centre (NOC), Nám. SNP č. 12, 812 34 Bratislava

National Institute of Education, Pluhová 8, 83103 Bratislava

3. Employability
a) Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

This is a new program

b) If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

This is a new program

c) Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

Quality assessment of the study programme has been performed by employers who created evaluation reports. Please, find them attached in the accreditation file along with the notes on incorporating their comments and proposals.

4. Structure and content of the study programme
a) The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The rules for creating study programmes and plans are defined in Directive No. 1/2021 on creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications to the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education ( and the MBU Study Regulations[1]. ( Besides the aforementioned rules the following principles were followed:

- Profile disciplines are taught by associate professors and professors in the respective job position.

- The number of assigned credits increases with the importance of the given course (fewer credits for optional courses – OC, more for profile and compulsory courses –CC).

- The volume of in-person teaching (L, S, E, FT, SP) increases along with the course importance (less for OC, more for profile and CC).

- The courses and their topics covering the graduate profile (selected areas of development) have been reviewed to prevent duplicity.

- The learning outcomes are in line with the number of assigned credits.

- The evaluation procedures will focus on the actual verification of the student’s skills; their levels of complexity and variety are monitored.

- The levels of cognitive and affective (or psychomotor) learning outcomes correspond with the level of study and follow the Dublin descriptors and qualification frameworks.

- If the course includes contact instruction (in-person lectures), the syllabus defined in the course information sheet (CIS) specifies 13 topics (13 weeks of the semester).

- If the course includes contact instruction (field training), the CIS explains how individual supervision and Moodle e-learning courses are provided.

- In CIS, the time load for the student is described based on the tasks and assessment (e.g. seminar work, essay, PPT presentation, video-presentation, research project, etc.).

- In the PhD study, the disciplines belong to the (1) study part or (2) scientific part. In the scientific part, credits are awarded for creating specific outputs promoting the student’s research competences in practice and their expert engagement on the national and international levels – these disciplines do not include teaching; instead, the supervisor is responsible for their student.

The disciplines in the scientific part do not have CIS because credits are awarded based on the specific output/activity (e.g. research paper published).

[1] All listed regulations are valid in accordance with published amendments and updates.

b) The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

According to Directive No. 1/2021 on creation, modification and approval of study programmes and submission of applications to the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, the study plan has been attached (see: EN_PF_Edukacne_vedy_PhD_D_Hanesova_Studijny_plan). The flexibility of study plans promotes mobility by offering more OCs. For semesters 4–5, mobility/internship abroad is recommended and the workplace creates suitable conditions for the student (no contact instruction; supervisors and project teams support the student). Besides the courses within the study programme, the student can take any optional course provided by the faculty, OC in a foreign language, university course, or even a course at a different university. (

c) The study plan generally states:

d) The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
A minimum of 180 credits. The requirements and rules for successful completion of the study and state examinations as well as other study-related rules are defined in the MBU Study Regulations, ( FOE MBU Methodological Instruction No. 1/2010 on the recognition of credits from previous study, Directive No. 12/2011 on final, rigorous, and habilitation theses at MBU, Directive No. 7/2019 on tuition and fees at MBU, (, Directive No. 1/2017 on doctoral study at Foe MBU ( and its appendices
e) For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

Number of credits for compulsory courses

Study part – 36

Scientific part – 68

Number of credits for compulsory optional courses

Study part – 16

Scientific part – 24

Number of credits for optional courses

Study part – 8

Scientific part – 28

Number of credits for the final thesis and its defence


f) The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The rules for verification of learning outcomes, student assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment are defined in the MBU Study Regulations ( Further possibilities for (non)anonymous appealing include the FoE MBU Electronic Inbox for Complaints and Proposals (administered by the Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance) ( In case of need, students can also address the study advisor and head of the department, or Vice-Dean for Pedagogical Activities who are obliged to respond to all complaints. 

g) Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies are defined in the MBU Study Regulations (, FOE MBU Methodological Instruction No. 1/2010 on recognition of credits from previous study, Directive No. 12/2011 on final, rigorous, and habilitation theses at MBU, and Directive No. 7/2019 on tuition and fees at MBU (

h) The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The following dissertation thesis topics are planned to be offered:

·    Ontogenetic continuum in non-formal education with the focus on interest-based education – a mixed comparative study

·    Online risk behaviour in youth and its correlation with docility indicators/variables

·    Critical analysis of educational policy documents in Slovakia 

·    Creation and verification of an andragogical consulting model 

·    Researching the relationship between professional career support in a selected group of employees, their work performance, and satisfaction

·    International comparison of university teacher preparation – reflective professionals

·    The role of doctoral school in the preparation of young scientists in an international comparison

·    Management of learning in a selected organisation as the predictor of its success

·    Creation and verification of a programme focused on developing intercultural competences in university teachers

·    Verification of the adult docility support effects provided by andragogical consulting

·    University teachers’ workload and its subjective perception – Q-methodology

·    Inclusion in university education in an international comparison

·    Development of cross-cutting abilities in FoE graduates – quasi-experimental verification

·    Creation and experimental verification of a selected school preventive programme

. Cyber-bullying of teachers – mapping the attitude systems in different participants

i) The institution describes or refers to:

These rules are defined in Directive No. 12/2011 on final, rigorous, and habilitation theses at MBU ( as amended by Amendment No. 1 (, and MBU Study Regulations ( Detailed instructions are provided in Methodological Instruction No. 4/2019 on creation and defence of final and qualification theses at FoE MBU. ( It provides detailed information on the recommended, more complex dissertation thesis designs and structures according to the level of study. Final and qualification theses follow the IMRaD structure. All the aforementioned documents are available to students on the faculty website.

Support of individual student mobility is one of the main MBU priorities in the area of internationalisation. This priority is specified in the Strategy of Internationalisation (, MBU Erasmus Policy Statement (, and Directive No. 4/2019 on Erasmus+ mobility at MBU ( FoE MBU also supports blended virtual mobility in accordance with the valid Slovak and European legislations. University and FoE MBU have concluded about 130 and 69 bilateral agreements respectively. The Office of International Cooperation and Mobility also offers internships. FoE students can select an international mobility or study abroad from the offer published on the faculty website (, these offers are regularly updated.

At MBU, there is an Ethical Committee, which addresses the questions and issues related to adherence to academic ethics (employees and students). Relevant information about the Ethical Committee and its tasks can be found on the university website ( Students must adhere to the MBU Student Code of Ethics ( Each student can take online training in ethical decision-making in accordance with the MBU rules ( Another relevant document defining the rules is the FoE MBU Disciplinary Code of 2011 ( It specifies the position and activity of the Foe MBU Disciplinary Committee. All the aforementioned documents are available to students on the faculty and university websites.

Students with special needs follow the MBU Study Guide for Students with Special Needs and the instructions published on the university website ( FoE MBU has a coordinator for students with special needs who supports them and helps them adapt to the university environment, and resolve any study-related issues (

Filing complaints and rules for committee examination are defined in the MBU Study Regulations. ( Further possibilities for (non)anonymous appealing include the FoE MBU Electronic Inbox for Complaints and Proposals (administered by the Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance) ( Complaints related to violation of the student/employee Code of Ethics can be submitted directly to the Ethical Committee in writing ( The Directive on the Internal System for Submitting and Processing Complaints about Anti-Social Activity in accordance with Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on Protection of. Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity is also in force.

5. Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Please, find the course information sheets structured according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll. attached (EN_PF_Edukacne_vedy_PhD_Hanesova_Informacne_listy).

6. Current academic year plan and current schedule
7. Persons responsible for the study programme
a) A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

prof. PaedDr. Miroslav Krystoň, CSc., profesor,, 048/446 4616

b) List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

prof. PaedDr. Miroslav Krystoň, CSc., profesor

048/446 4616

Contexts of Non-Formal Learning

doc. PaeDr. Ivan Pavlov, PhD., docent

048/446 4615

Educational Policy Trends and Creation

doc. PhDr. Miriam Niklová, PhD., docentka

048/446 4764

Creation and Verification of Intervention Programmes

doc. PhDr. Mário Dulovics, PhD., docent

048/446 4763

Impact of Social Paradigm on Education

doc. Mgr. Ján Kaliský, PhD. 

048/446 4317

Comparative Pedagogy and Andragogy

c) Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

RATP of persons responsible for the profile courses have been attached to the respective accreditation file. Accreditation applications are registered in the internal AIS2 Academic Information System. Students have access to information on the teachers’ personal websites under the respective faculties. Currently, they include the employees of the Department of Andragogy ( and Department of Pedagogy (

d) List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

The courses assigned to specific teachers have been attached (See: EN_PF_Edukacne_vedy_PhD_D_Hanesova_Studijny_plan). List of names/contacts and CRUS links:

prof. PaedDr. Miroslav Krystoň, CSc., profesor

048/446 4616

prof. PaedDr. Dana Hanesová, CSc., professor

048/446 4762

prof. PhDr. Bronislava Kasáčová, CSc., professor

048/446 4863

prof. PhDr. Soňa Kariková, PhD., professor

048/446 4617

prof. PhDr. Eva Sollárová, CSc., professor

048/446 4717

prof. PaedDr. Štefan Porubský, PhD.professor

048/446 4859

doc. PaeDr. Ivan Pavlov, PhD., docent

048/446 4615

doc. PhDr. Mário Dulovics, PhD., docent

048/446 4763

doc. PhDr. Miriam Niklová, PhD., docentka

048/446 4764

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Vančíková, PhD., associate professor

048/446 4851

doc. Ján Kaliský, PhD., associate professor

048/446 4317

Mgr. Denisa Šukolová, PhD., university teacher and researcher

048/446 4230

e) List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

prof. PaedDr. Miroslav Krystoň, CSc., profesor

0484464616 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

prof. PaedDr. Dana Hanesová, CSc., professor

048/446 4762 /

Pedagogical Application of Neuroscientific Knowledge to Educational Process

Christian Spirituality in Online Theological Education

prof. PhDr. Bronislava Kasáčová, CSc., professor

048/446 4863 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

prof. PhDr. Soňa Kariková, PhD., professor

0484464617 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

prof. PhDr. Eva Sollárová, CSc.,


048/446 4717 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

prof. PaedDr. Štefan Porubský, PhD.


048/446 4859 /

Presenting Subject Matter Focused on History on the Primary Level of Education

doc. PaeDr. Ivan Pavlov, PhD., docent

0484464615 /

Andragogical Consulting in Managing the Employees’ Careers

Professional Identity of University Teachers in the Context of Further Professional Development

The Context of Andragogical Competence in University Teachers

doc. PhDr. Mário Dulovics, PhD., docent

048/446 4763 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

doc. PhDr. Miriam Niklová, PhD., docentka

048/446 4764 /

The Needs and Virtual Risks Faced by High-School Aged Youth in the 21st Century

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Vančíková, PhD., associate professor

048/446 4851 /

Compulsory Pre-School Education – Analysing the Public Discourse

doc. Ján Kaliský, PhD., associate professor

048/446 4317 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

Mgr. Denisa Šukolová, PhD.,

university teacher and researcher (practising specialist)

048/446 4230 /

Currently no theses on the given level or in this field of study

f) Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

Thesis supervisors’ RATPs are filed in AIS2. Students have access to information on the teachers’ personal websites under the respective faculties. Currently, they include the employees of the Department of Andragogy ( and Department of Pedagogy ( Some courses (in accordance with the study plans) are also taught by employees of the Department of Psychology (, or Department of Elementary and Pre-School Pedagogy (

g) Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).


h) Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

The study advisor will be appointed and their profile will be published on the FoE MBU website after the Accreditation Agency gives their statement.

i) Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Study officer

Ivona Bajsová 048 446 4248 /

Schedule coordinator

PhDr. Lucia Galková, PhD. 048 446 4760 /

Schedule coordinator

PhDr. Patrícia Zolyomiová, PhD. 048 446 4761 /

Schedule coordinator

Mgr. Michaela Sládkayová, PhD. 048 446 4618 /

Credit system of study coordinator

doc. PhDr. Mário Dulovics, PhD. 048 446 4763 /

Credit system of study coordinator

PhDr. Lucia Galková, PhD. 048 446 4760 /

Credit system of study coordinator

Mgr. Michaela Sládkayová, PhD. 048 446 4618 /

International relations and mobility officer

Ing. Anita Dienešová 048 446 4226 /

Officer for the students with special needs

doc. PaedDr. Vlasta Belková, PhD. 048 446 4755 /

Psychological consulting

doc. PaedDr. Lada Kaliská, PhD.048 446 4717 /

Psychological consulting

PaedDr. Lucia Pašková, PhD. 048 446 4722 /

Psychological consulting

Mgr. Michaela Souček Vaňová, PhD. 048 446 4715 /

Psychological consulting

PaedDr. Jana Stehlíková, PhD. 048 446 4718 /

8. Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

FoE MBU has 177 personal computers, 180 notebooks + AiO and 9 tablets for education, research, and daily operation. All creative employees have PCs with an Internet connection. Other technical equipment includes scanners (22), photocopiers (4), printers (79), multifunctional printers (18), data projectors (50), interactive whiteboards (6), cameras (19), photo cameras (24), CD players (5) , DVD players (4), projection screens (12), video-conference systems (4), software (72). The material and technical equipment of teachers responsible for the study programme is excellent. Each teacher has their own PC set or notebook with the Internet connection and each office has a telephone line. The employees have access to a printer, scanner, photocopier, DVD player, and webcam to provide state-of-art delivery of the study programme. Departments have state-of-art didactic technology in their own classrooms (data projectors, TVs). Shared lecture halls and seminar rooms also provide PCs connected to the Internet, data projectors, and interactive whiteboards. There are 6 public computers for students. 2 classrooms are also equipped with 26 PCs. 8 other classrooms are equipped with multimedia technology. Students can connect to the Internet from almost all places in the FoE premises (access points). Software includes MS Windows (OS), Office 365, ESET, KASPERSKY (antivirus program), ADOBE READER, PDF CREATOR, SPSS (set of statistical programs). All this material and technical equipment guarantees optimal conditions for the educational process.

Teaching takes place in 37 classrooms; 10 are specialised (e.g. gym). The two largest classrooms (for 2x78 students) have been renovated including the furniture. All classrooms are fully equipped with ICT (plasma TV, data projector) and 60 computers independently used by all departments at the faculty. Replacement, maintenance, and repair of faculty furniture are continuous. To improve the quality of teaching, FoE has created several specialised classrooms/labs: a classroom for the Department of Social Work – 30 students; two classrooms for the Department of Music Culture – 40 students; concert and dance hall (for psychosocial training focused on psychomotor development); two classrooms for the Department of Elementary and Pre-School Pedagogy; two classrooms for the Department of Fine Arts – modelling room, room for plastic and spatial creation, special multimedia studio; and specialised classrooms for social-psychological training.

To improve the study and work environment, FoE has wheelchair access to all faculty premises including parking, camera system, student parking in front of the faculty. C and AB buildings including entrance halls have been renovated. In the premises, there is a copy centre providing printing, binding, lamination and stationery. In the students’ home No. 5, there is a pedagogical study room (first floor, 55 seats). In-person study is possible.

b) Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

All information about the study programme including CIS is available in AiS2 and on the faculty website. Course syllabi, credit requirements, qualitative assessment, etc. are published on the teachers’ personal faculty websites or in LMS Moodle (respective course). The course of study from entrance examination to state examination is controlled through AiS2. Presence and distance teaching are supported by LMS MOODLE, communication and feedback is provided by AiS2 and e-mail. Each student has a university e-mail address with the access to University library and research databases. All student homes provide Internet in student rooms, most classrooms have wi-fi (coverage is continually improved). Students have Internet access in the FoE MBU halls. Departments publish announcements for students on their websites; teachers’ profiles provide information on the courses and downloadable course-related content. All software purchased by MBU is available to students as well. Besides MS Office 365 and specific graphic or music programs, they include research software: SPSS 19.0, UNISTAT (statistical processing); ATLAS-TI (processing qualitative research data), etc. All university PCs provide access to publishing databases (licence purchased by MBU). In education science courses, mainly WOS, SCOPUS, EBSCO, SCIENCE DIRECT databases are used.

Teachers responsible for the study programme actively create study materials for the individual courses. They are (co)authors of university textbooks and materials on education science which they can publish via Belianum - the MBU publishing house. In the OZ Pedagóg shop, students can purchase publications created by FoE MBU employees. There is sufficient material, technical, and informational equipment to implement the proposed study programme; moreover, it is continuously innovated and updated. Students and teachers have access to libraries and study rooms (rooms C022, C130) including study literature, textbooks, monographs, Slovak and foreign journals on education science. These sources are regularly updated based on the proposals of teachers responsible for the study programme. Information sources are accessible online as well. All software is regularly updated.

Library and information services are provided by the MBU University library ( with centres at Tajovského 40 and 51, and branches at individual faculties. These libraries provide absence and presence book loans, consulting, research, reference service, copying, and Internet access 54 hours/week plus online services and access to electronic information sources 24/7. The libraries comprise more than 277,000 scientific and scholarly monographs, textbooks, proceedings, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, etc. New items are acquired based on the current study and research needs. The fund includes 251 periodicals (120 from abroad). Final and qualification theses defended at the university have been available online since 2009. More than 700 textbooks and other teaching materials published by the university are available in the MBU Virtual Study Room. The Library website provides access to ACM, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Ebook Central, SpringerLink, Springer Nature, and Wiley Online Library databases. Fulltext access to Cambridge Journals, Emerald, and HSTalsk is also supported.

Office of Absence Loans at Tajovského 40 is the central office. 87,000 documents can be loaned and taken outside the library. Office hours: Monday – Friday 9.00 am – 4.00 pm. Interlibrary loan service is also offered. The Universal Study Room at Tajovského 51 offers more than 16,500 books and 134 periodicals available for presence study. All fields of study are covered. Office hours: Monday – Wednesday (8.30 am – 9.00 pm), Thursday – Friday (8.30 am – 4.00 pm). European Documentation Centre is a part of the study room. The study room also manages the deposit of printed final and qualification theses.

The Pedagogical Study Room at Tajovského 15 offers more than 6,500 books and 39 periodicals available for presence study + 125 didactic games and tools. Office hours: Monday – Wednesday (9.00 am – 9.00 pm), Thursday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.00 pm). The Pedagogical Study Room includes the Centre of Pedagogical Practice, AMOS didactic tools, and a group study room.

c) Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

The form of study is stated in each course information sheet (CIS). If the CIS specifies the form as combined or distance, the teacher is obliged to create an interactive e-learning course in LMS Moodle. The use of the portal is regulated by Directive No. 3/2016 on e-learning at MBU, which is available in the portal interface ( Each student receives detailed instruction on e-learning support (1st year of study) ( They can also address their teachers during consulting hours if necessary. At the beginning of the semester, each teacher updates the course and sends sign-in information to the students (passwords). Besides syllabi and requirements for completion, there are also links to MS Teams (distance teaching), ZOOM, lecture videos, tasks, forums & discussion, polls, study materials, etc. ( Students can even be assessed through Moodle courses. In case of need (e.g. current pandemic situation), presence teaching fluently transforms into distance teaching in all courses and levels of study. ( Quality of distance teaching is continuously monitored and improved based on students’ input collected by surveys. Besides standard teaching, a LMS Moodle course has also been created for the FoE MBU Doctoral School – video-lectures are recorded for more complex topics and interactive courses are provided if teaching/workshop cannot be provided in-person.

d) Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

·      National Institute of Education (NIE) – Ministry of Education ( Cooperation in organising research and specialised events, discussions, lectures, workshops for students, access to up-to-date information and projects.

·      Educational Policy Institute (EPI) – Ministry of Education ( Cooperation in organising research and specialised events, discussions, lectures, workshops for students, access to up-to-date data from national and international sources.

·      National Cultural Centre (NOC) – state budgetary organisation ( Specialised methodological, coordination, and executive centre for theoretical, analytical, informational, documentation, and consulting activities in the area of culture and awareness raising. It coordinates and performs (statistical) research related to culture and provides further education for employees in the area of culture and awareness-raising. Its goals include non-formal education in culture and prevention of negative social phenomena. Cooperation possibilities: students’ access to specialised literature and methodology, access to information databases for qualification theses, students’ participation in specialised and popular events organised by NOC, participation in research projects, lectures, seminars, workshops.

·      Centres for Educational and Psychological Consulting and Prevention (under Ministry of Education) – Mládežnícka 34, Banská Bystrica ( Cooperation: research, practical projects for students who learn specific skills and cross-cutting abilities related to prevention and intervention.

·      Methodological-Pedagogical Centres (e.g. MPC 11, 850 05 Bratislava, MPC Horná 97, 97546 Banská Bystrica - – Ministry of Education (MoE) budgetary organisations Cooperation possibilities: discussions and workshops for students; research.

·      Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD) – NGO for volunteers and institutions involved in adult education in the SR ( Cooperation possibilities: research and specialised events (e.g. EPALE seminars), discussions, lectures, workshops, and events for students, access to up-to-date information.

·      Association of Social Pedagogues: This civic association of social pedagogues resides in Banská Bystrica and supports professional training for future social pedagogues and life-long learning for teachers in practice. Cooperation: lectures and workshops with renowned experts, student internship and mobility, research, student participation in research and specialised events (

·      Centre of Further Education, Technical University in Zvolen

( The leader in introducing innovations in senior education in Slovakia. Cooperation possibilities: lectures and workshops for students, access to specialised literature, student can perform research in terms of their final theses, professional research, practical projects.

·      Academic workplaces: Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín Department of Andragogy and Education Management, FoE, Charles University in Prague Department of Andragogy, Jan Amos Komenský University in Prague Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy, FoE, University of Ostrava Katedra Pedagogiky Społecznej i Andragogiki, Instytut nauk o wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, Krakow and other universities abroad. Study programme guarantors have been cooperating with other universities offering PhD in pedagogy such as Newcastle University, Cambridge University (UK), Helsinki University, Finland; School of Professional Teacher Education, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Oulu, Finland; Driestar Educatief, Gouda, Netherlands, etc. Cooperation: lectures with renowned experts, student internship and mobility; research, publishing, and project collaboration; student participation in research and specialised events.

·      OZ Preventista ( Civic association dealing with safety and prevention. Cooperation possibilities: discussions and workshops for students; research.

·      Centre for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture (CVEK) in Bratislava ( This independent NGO performs research, analytical, and educational activities with the aim to create a fairer and more cohesive society. Possible cooperation in organising research and specialised events, discussions, lectures, workshops for students, research consulting, data analysis.

·      MESA 10 Center for Economic and Social Analyses ( This international NGO participates in EU projects (e.g. To dá rozum) and NATO with the aim to form, initiate, and implement reforms. Possible cooperation in organising research and specialised events, discussions, lectures, workshops for students, research consulting and collaboration, data analysis.

·      Slovak Governance Institute (SGI) ( This independent NGO analyses the existing and proposed public policies and researches them. Cooperation possibilities: organising educational events (discussions, lectures and workshops for students), consulting, access to specialised literature, networking.

·      THEMPRA Social Pedagogy, Great Britain ( The social enterprise consists of British and international experts in the development of social pedagogy as a science (co-founder of the Global Alliance for Social Pedagogy and Social Education). Cooperation possibilities: organising joint research, publishing, and educational events (discussions, lectures and workshops for students), consulting by means of MOOC courses, access to specialised literature, networking (with social pedagogues in Scandinavia, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, USA), internships and mobility abroad (Erasmus+).

·      Centre for Community Organising – non‑profit organisation ( Cooperation possibilities: School for Democracy project, student workshops on education in human rights and freedoms.

·      Milan Šimečka Foundation – non‑profit organization ( Possible cooperation with experts in the creation of methodology, projects focused on otherness, diversity, human rights.

·      Človek v ohrození – non‑profit organisation ( Possible cooperation in global education (methodological guidelines) and projects.

·      CEEV Živica – non‑profit organisation ( Possible cooperation in global education and sustainable development, projects, etc. Experts lectures for our students.

·      Correctional facility ( Possible cooperation in free-time activities for the convicts as a specific target group in cooperation with our students.

·      EDUMA – non‑profit organisation ( Possible project cooperation, educating students in sensitivity, human rights, and innovative methods (storytelling).

e) Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

MBU offers a rich variety of social events, sports, and spiritual activities. ( As for sports, students can join a number of sports clubs (athletics, female basketball, gymnastics, university hockey team, hiking club, karate, judo). The Sports for All club offers a swimming pool, sports games: floorball, football, volleyball, fitness, Power Zumba, Country dance, jumping, classic and sports massage.

As for arts, there are three ensembles at MBU: Mladosť University Choir (, Mladosť University Folklore Ensemble (, and Mladosť Chamber Orchestra ( All MBU students are welcome although the ensembles primarily work with FoE MBU students. The ensembles are run by the Department of Music Culture FoE MBU. Students can also join the UNIS university theatre, which is open for all those interested in acting and theatre. University Dance Centre offers dance courses for students.

For more than 20 years, MBU has cooperated with the Centre of Volunteering in Banská Bystrica, which motivates student to participate in volunteer programmes in a variety of organisations, and promotes community engagement. MBU students can also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award (DofE) ( FoE MBU is the only Slovak university involved in this project. It is a complex developmental programme providing young people (14–24) with the opportunity to develop their skills and personality to prepare for the real life, achieve their potential, and become successful. MBU students can not only participate in DofE, but also learn the methodology and became programme leaders.

As for the free time, FoE MBU provides several premises where students can spend their free time, e.g. cafeteria and students’ room (catering), relaxation and study room No. B003 (including a kitchenette), Kolečko café employing disabled people to sensitivise the customers towards other people’s needs (; Chillpoint relaxation zone created by the students themselves (building A, second floor), canteen, and another cafeteria nearby the FoE MBU Dean’s Office. PuFkáčik children’s corner (for the public, employees’ and students’ children). The Bachelor students at the Department of Pedagogy FoE MBU organise an annual quiz for other students and teachers. Besides the activities offered by the faculty and university, the Banská Bystrica city also organises a lot of events. MBU actively cooperates with the city and students are regularly informed of the events on social networks as well as notice boards at the faculty.

f) Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

Possibilities and conditions for student participation in mobilities and internships are guided by Directive No. 4/2019 on Erasmus+ mobility at UMB. They are regularly published in a separate section of the FoE MBU website. Besides Erasmus+, other schemes are also offered, e.g. active cooperation with SAIA. The Office of International Cooperation and Mobility also offers internships. Every September, FoE MBU organises Mobility Days to inform students about mobilities and internships. Students also receive the information on application deadlines in advance in the faculty newsletter. Calls for mobility applications are regularly published at the beginning of the winter semester. The interested students apply for the mobility and submit a cover letter. They can select 3 receiving institutions in their application. Based on the submitted documents, students are pre-selected and invited to a personal interview. Students select universities at which their can study the corresponding programme and specialisation abroad. In cooperation with the department coordinators and the Office of International Cooperation and Mobility, students prepare a preliminary study plan. Based on the pre-selection results, grant applications are created and submitted to the Erasmus+ Programme National Agency every year. Students receive the decision when the Agency assigns the grant. Afterwards, administrative preparation starts, i.e. communication with the partner institutions and student appointment. The students submit the Learning Agreements and other documents as required (transcript of study records, confirmation of accommodation, language certificate). The Office of International Cooperation and Mobility prepares the financial contract and assists the student in the process of getting insurance, accommodation, and travelling. Upon the student’s return, the assessment received at the receiving institution is filed in AIS. Other than compulsory courses (COC or OC) are filed as requested by the student.

Recognition of credits within the ECTS system is possible thanks to the precise monitoring of mobility activities before, during, and after the mobility. Before the mobility, assistance is provided to the student in communication with the receiving institution to tailor a realistic and personalised study plan (Learning Agreement) considering the requirements the student would have to meet if they stayed at home as well as those specified by the receiving institution. The Learning Agreement is a binding document of key importance in all phases of mobility. During the mobility, the Office of International Cooperation and Mobility and department coordinators provide continuous support to the student. Any discrepancy between the Learning Agreement and reality at the receiving institution are resolved so that the student can receive all ECTS credits necessary to complete their study. The student has enough time to notify the faculty of curricular discrepancies to resolve it in cooperation with all stakeholders. After the mobility is completed, the Office of International Cooperation, Mobility, faculty Study Offices, and department coordinators confirm that ECTS credits received abroad have been recognized. FoE MBU also supports recognition of blended virtual mobility in accordance with the valid Slovak and European legislation.

9. Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

Admission to doctoral studies in the Education Science study programme includes two requirements. However, faculty can specify other admission requirements if approved by the faculty Academic Senate.

a)    completing a Master study programme in Social Sciences in Slovakia or a comparable Bachelor programme abroad;

b)    successful entrance examination.

The Education Science study programme requires development of professional skills. They include personal skills and attitudes: responsibility, precision, cooperation, ability to offer and accept constructive criticism, emotional stability, empathy, communicativeness, engagement, flexibility, creativity and cooperation in problem-solving, managerial and organisational skills (including technical and digital ones), analytical and conceptual thinking. Other requirements are related to the applicant’s ability to tackle the PhD study: systematic and comprehensive knowledge in education science, responsible and independent application of the knowledge to work and study situations as well as professional and personal development, and digital skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint). PhD courses are taught in Slovak, therefore the command of Slovak or Czech languages is necessary (oral and written). The PhD study plan in the Education Sciences study programme includes a compulsory course entitled Scientific Discourse in English and part of the study literature for other courses is also in English, therefore, the intermediate level of English is necessary as well. Last but not least, the study requirements include the ability and will to learn and develop professionally and personally.

b) Admission procedures.

The PhD admission procedure at FoE MBU is guided by Directive No. 1/2017 on doctoral study at Foe MBU, Art. 4:

1)    The basic requirement for admission to doctoral study in this study programme is the completion of a relevant Master study and successful entrance examination. However, faculty can specify other admission requirements for individual study programmes if approved by the faculty Academic Senate.

2)    The Dean of the faculty announces the dissertation thesis topics at least two months before the application deadline. If the topic has been offered by an external educational institution, its name is listed as well. Each topic is assigned to a supervisor. The dissertation thesis topics and information about the number of accepted students for the given study programme are published on the official notice board and published pursuant to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information as amended.

3)    The applicant fills in the application for doctoral studies pursuant to the University Act. The applicant also attaches:

a)    CV

b)    statement or confirmation of permanent residence

c)    certificates of education – legally verified copies; if the applicant has completed their Master study at the same MBU faculty, these copies do not need legal verification;

d)    dissertation thesis project proposal,

e)    list of published papers or other specialised or artistic activities, or their reviews (publishing activity prior to PhD study is not mandatory but taken into consideration in the admission procedure),

f)     other documents required by the faculty (confirmation of payment for the admission procedure, etc.).

4)    If the applicant cannot confirm that all basic requirements have been met at the time, they can still receive conditional admission, but they have to provide all necessary documents by the day of enrolment at latest.

5)    Pursuant to Act No. 422/2015 on recognition of education documents and on recognition of professional qualification as amended, the applicants who have completed the previous level of education abroad are required to provide a legally recognised certificate of education received outside the territory of the SR. The accepted applicant has to provide the recognised certificate of education by the day of enrolment at latest.

6)    If the applicant does not meet the requirements published on the faculty website, their application will be returned along with the attached documents and a brief justification.

7)    Otherwise, the applicant receives a written invitation to the entrance examination at least 14 days before the entrance examination takes place. It includes information on the topics addressed at the examination. A copy of the invitation is a part of the applicant’s personal file.

8)    The methods and contents of the entrance examination (EE) for doctoral studies is specified by the faculty.

9)    The entrance examination takes place at the faculty and an EE Committee is present (at least three members). It consists of a president and at least two members appointed by the Dean based on the president’s proposal. If the applicant applies for a topic offered by an external education, its representative is also present.

10) The EE Committee evaluates the results of the entrance examination at a non-public meeting and creates a list of the applicants based on their scores. The volume and quality of publishing or artistic activity and other results are also taken into consideration (e.g. success in student scientific/specialised competitions, exhibitions, etc.). The scores along with applicants’ personal codes are published at the faculty official notice board or website.

11) Minutes are created about the EE results. The EE Committee submits a proposal for admission of the successful applicants to the Dean. In case of topic offered by an external educational institution, it has to confirm their consent as well.

12) The Dean’s decision on the admission to doctoral studies specifies the study programme, field of study, form, and duration. The decision has to include the statement, justification, and method of appeal for a review. It is sent as a registered letter (Section 58 of University Act) within 30 days after the entrance examination. Along with the decision on admission, the Dean appoints the student’s supervisor and assigns them a workplace.

13) Should the decision violate the University Act, the Rector may change the decision.

The accepted applicant becomes a doctoral student on the day of enrolment; its date, place, and time are specified by the Dean.

c) Results of the admission process over the last period.

This is a new program.

10. Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

Every year (usually after the state examination), polls are created for the graduates to evaluate their study programmes at all workplaces ( The overview of the course of the study, contents of the study programme, and suitability of the conditions are monitored. The poll is anonymous and takes the paper form. The collected answers are processed by the TAP software. The poll is evaluated on the university level and the results are included in the FoE MBU Report on Pedagogical Activity. On the faculty level, the poll results are analysed in detail to observe the trends across several years in all study programmes. Subsequently, the faculty and departments adopt measures to improve the respective indicators. The poll results are presented at the Dean’s Board and College.

Another poll focuses on the evaluation of teachers ( The goal is to receive feedback from students regarding the specific teachers (approach to teaching and student assessment). This poll allows the students to formulate their opinion on the specific teacher and their work, and complain. The poll is anonymous and administered by AIS. Each teacher has access to their own results, while the heads of departments have all results pertaining to the department staff. Any shortcomings are resolved at the department in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Pedagogical Activities.

The satisfaction with the course and quality of study are monitored by the Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Assurance as well. Anonymous online surveys take place continuously based on students’ (non)anonymous complaints. The respective Vice-Dean processes the faculty-wide results and presents them at the Dean’s Board and College. A summary is sent to all teachers. If shortcomings are identified, the heads of the departments are requested to adopt respective measures and formulate an evaluation strategy. In case of need, a report is created about the implementation of these measures and its evaluation.

Quality assessment can be proposed by all heads of the departments, study programme guarantors, or teachers responsible for teaching quality.

b) Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

This is a new program.

c) Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

This is a new program.

11. References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

All links to relevant study support documents can be found on the faculty website in the following sections: I WANT TO STUDY (, I HAVE JUST BEGUN MY STUDIES (, I AM STUDYING (, and I AM ABOUT TO GRADUATE (